Enrique Fuentes was born in Mexico. Sometimes the effect of his paintings is explained from this circumstance. It is claimed that the enigmatic, contradictory even disturbing comes from the fact that his art is virtually an impulsive mixture of his hot-blooded temperament and all the impressions and influences with which he has been confronted since he entered the‘ Ecole Nationale Supérieur des Beaux-Arts in Paris – and later in Austria, where he lives predominantly. Enrique Fuentes is driven by a powerful passion, by a tremendous urge to do exactly what he does. There is, beyond his infectious kindness, a dark side to him, a knowledge of death, disease, despair, decay. He has something of a shaman, that is, of a person who is able to look at the other side. That above all determines his art, that above all establishes the peculiarity of his works.
— (Otto Hans Ressler „Enrique Fuentes – Die dunkle Seite“ Atlas Obscuro, 2018)–

Enrique Fuentes
*1980, Mexico City – Lives and works in Vienna and Berlin
2005 – 2011
- Assistant of the Austrian painter Arnulf Rainer
2008 – 2009
- Post-Diplôme. National School of Fine Arts of Paris (ENSBA), France
2001 – 2007
- National School of Fine Arts of Paris (ENSBA), under the direction of the painter Jean-Michel Alberola
- Salzburg International Summer Academy of Fine Arts. Room installation, art-object and mixed media workshop directed by Guillaume Bijl. Salzburg, Austria
2004 – 2005
- Artisitic stay in Tokyo, Japan
1999 – 2000
- National School of Arts, Paris- Cergy (ENSA), France
Solo Exhibitions (selection)
- Pulp Paintings, Mola, El Molinar, Mallorca, Spain
- L’après-midi d’un faune, WIKAM, gallery art moments, Vienna, Austria
- L’après-midi d’un faune, gallery art moments, Vienna, Austria
- Entstehung eines gefallenen Engels, SIAF, gallery art moments, Salzburg, Austria
- Entfremdungen, Fair for Art, gallery art moments, Vienna, Austria
- Der Schlaf der Vernunft, ART AUSTRIA HIGHLIGHTS, gallery art moments, Vienna, Austria
- Scorpio, gallery art moments, Graz, Austria
- Nous ne sommes pas les derniers, Art Karlsruhe, gallery art moments, Karlsruhe, Germany – Male oscuro, WIKAM, gallery art moments, Vienna, Austria
- Der Tod und das Mädchen, Galeria Laval Nugent, Zagreb, Croatia
- Viva la vida, Fuentes Brus, Rudolf Budja Galerie, Salzburg, Austria
- Isla Fatamorgana, Nuru Gallery, Puerto Portals, Mallorca, Spain – Winterreise, Brondo Architect Hotel, Palma, Mallorca, Spain
- Querschnitt, Poloplatz Ebreichsdorf, Austria
- Opium, Emilio Innobar, Palma, Mallorca, Spain
- Todschwarze Aufzeichnungen, Fuentes Brus, Hofgalerie, Graz, Austria
- Der Flügel über Mallorca, Fair for art, gallery art moments, Vienna, Austria
- Restrospektive 20 Jahre Enrique Fuentes, Museo Centenario, S.L.P., Mexico
- Ciclo – Nuevo Lotería Mexican, Museo Francisco Cossío, NLM, S.L.P. Mexico
- Museo de Arte Contemporáneo MAC, S.L.P. Mexico
- Atlas Obscuro, Novomatic Forum in collaboration with gallery art moments, Vienna, Austria
- Melancolia, Art Fair WIKAM, Palais Ferstel, Vienna, Austria
- Oblivion Fair for Art, gallery art moments, VIenna, Austria
- Aaren cloning rotor, Museum Leonora Carrrington, San Luis Potosi, Mexico
- Pulp Paining Berliner Liste art fair, Gallery art moments, Berlin; Germany
- Liquid Crystals, Fair for Art, Gallery Art Moments Berln
- Carpe Noctum Galerijy Kos, Ljubljana, Slowenien
- LAT, 47.254554. Künstlerhaus Wein, Austria
- Winterreise. Gallery Trapp. Salzburg, Austria (Catalogue)
- Die Blumen des Bösen / Las Flores del Mal – Mexican Cultural Institut. Vienna, Austria
- Gallery Pozzi – Tenerife. Spain
- NLM Nueva Lotería Mexicana – La Maestranza. Villa de la paz, SLP. Mexico (Catalogue)
- El coyote estepario – Museo de Matehuala SLP. Mexico. Centro Cultural de Cedral. Cedral, SLP. Mex
- Centro cultural. Real de Catorce. SLP. México
- Offenbarungen – Gallery Goldener Engl. Hall, Austria
- Der Tod ist ein Hysteriker – Fuentes/Brus. Gallery Trapp. Salzburg, Austria
- Todesreigen mit Catrina – Feat. Paul Renner und Günter Brus. CityLoft, Vienna. Austria – Catrina die Grosse – Fuentes/Brus. Gallery Sommer Kunst&Handel, Vienna. Austria
- Enrique Fuentes / Paul Renner, Gallery Konzett, Vienna. Austria
- Gallery GALERIE, Vienna. Austria
- Enrique Fuentes / Paul Renner, Gallery Trapp, Salzburg. Austria – Bestiarium – Gallery Sommer – Kunst&Handel, Vienna. Austria
- Vorahnungen – Gallery Trapp, Salzburg. Austria
- Etwas unmenschlich – Kunsthaus Weiz, Austria
- Einheit der Zwietracht – Enrique Fuentes / Günter Brus. Gallery Gölles. Fürstenfeld, Austria (Catalogue)
- Die blaue Stunde – Gallery Schmidt, Reith im Alpbachtal, Austria (Catalogue)
- Dunkle Energie – Enrique Fuentes / Günter Brus , Gallery Kunst & Handel. Graz, Austria (Catalogue)
- Schlafwandeln – Gallery Ulysses. Vienna, Austria (Catalogue)
- Gallery Kunst & Handel. Graz, Austria (Catalogue)
- Apprendre à voler – Gallery Chantal Bamberger, Strasbourg, France
- Retrospective. 2000-2010 – Gallery UNO. Centenario. SLP, Mexico
- Gallery IX. Budapest, Hungary (Catalogue)
- Variaciones – Queretaro City Museum of Art. Qro. Mexico – Work in Progress – El Nautico Gallery. Tenerife, Spain
- Artfiler Galerie. Paris, France
- Instante cualquiera – Aguascalientes City Museum. México (Catalogue)
- Gallery Emilia Cohen. Mexico DF
- Intersección – Gallery Emilia Cohen. Mexico DF
- Intervalo – Francisco Cossio Museum, San Luis Potosi, Mexico (Catalogue) – Amnésies / Montage
- Mexican Embassy in Vienna, Austria (Catalogue)
- aloXe01 – Painting/sculpture. Exhibition together with the artist Michael Blank, Gmunden, Austria (Catalogue)
Group Exhibitions (selection)
- Weg-Kreuz, Hofgalerie, Graz, Austria
- Best-of, Kunsthaus Weiz, Weiz, Austria
- Alles wirkliche Leben ist Begegnung, Aaart Foundation, Kirchberg in Tirol, Austria
- Ljubljana Festival, XXII.Intenational Fine Art Colony, Ljubljana, Slovenia
- Looking forward until 40. Schloss Tabor, Austria
- Art on Paper, Deutschvilla, Strobl, Austrla
- Art on Paper, Künstlerhaus Weiz, Austria
- Galerie Noah, ‚Rhapsody in Bleu’, Augsburg, Germany
- Collective Indentity II, Galerie Greskewitz- Kleinitz,, Hamburg – SOS Mitmenschen, Vienna, Austria
- Strange Kiss Rouli Lecatsa Penny Monogiou, Hamburg – WIKAM Kunstmesse Galerie Trap/Salzburg, Wien
- WIKAM. Gallery Trap/Salzburg. Künstlerhaus Vienna, Austria – SOS Mitmenschen. Vienna. Austria
- Arte Noah. Südsteiermark. Austria
- Mit ohne Licht – Gallery Trapp. Salzburg, Austria
- Compassion – Künsthlerhaus Bethanien. Berlin, Germany
- Gallery Papenhuder 57. Hamburg, Germany
- MUMOK, Museum of Contemporary Art – Koschatzky Award. Vienna, Austria
- OSTRALE’015 – Art Price Ostrale. Dresden, Germa
- WIKAM 2015 Vienna international art and antiques fair. Gallery Trapp. Vienna, Austria
- Art auction SOS Menschen 2015. Vienna, Austria
- WIKAM 2014. Vienna international art and antiques fair. Gallery Kunst & Handel. Vienna, Austria
- Teatro de la Paz. 120 años de Pintura Potosina. SLP. Mexico
- WIKAM 2013 Vienna international art and antiques fair. Gallery Kunst & Handel. Vienna, Austria
- Laxenburg Kunstmesse. Gallery Trapp
- Kunst in der Fabrik. 2013 Gallery Sommer – Kunst & Handel. Vienna, Austria
- Künstlerhaus Vienna. Gallery Sommer – Kunst & Handel. Vienna. Austria
- Kunstmesse Schloss Laxenburg, Gallery Trapp. Salzburg. Austria
Dissonanter Gleichklang – Schloss Tabor. Neuhaus am Klausenbach. Gallery Sommer – - Kunst & Handel. Vienna, Austria
- Raika Steiermark, Graz, Austria
- Cuerpos – Museum of Contemporay art San Luis Potosi, Mexico
- WIKAM 2012 Vienna international art and antiques fair. Gallery Kunst & Handel. Vienna, Austria
- WIKAM 2011. Vienna international art and antiques fair. Gallery Kunst & Handel. Vienna, Austria – Arbeiten auf Papier, Gallery Kunst & Handel. Vienna, Austria
- Sommerausstellung. Gallery Ulysses. Vienna, Austria
- Wege zur Abstraktion Gallery Kunst & Handel. Graz, Austria
- Künstlerhaus. Vienna, Austria
- Gallery Noah. Augsburg, Germany
- Jadite Gallery. New York, USA – Gallery Artfiler. Paris, France
- Gallery Artdecotek Studio. Shanghai. China
- Exhibition/Auction. Théâtre de Montrouge – Hôtel de Ville. Montrouge. France (Catalogue) –
- Room 02. Everydays Gallery. Paris, France
- Museum Walter. Art price ”Leonardo 2007-2008”. Augsburg, Germany (Catalogue)
- Anton’s Exhibition/Auction. Le Touquet-Paris-Plage, France
- 53éme Salon d’Art contemporain de Montrouge. Théâtre de Montrouge, Montrouge, France (Catalogue)
- Room 00. Everydays Gallery. Paris, France
- 52éme Salon d’Art contemporain de Montrouge. Théâtre de Montrouge, Montrouge, France (Catalogue)
- Exhibition/Auction. Théâtre de Montrouge – Hôtel de Ville. Montrouge, France (Catalogue)
- Gefangene Seelen – gefüllte Schwänze. Deutschvilla, Strobl am Wolfgangsee, Austria – Exhibition presented by Paul Renner and Peter Ranenburger.
- Works from the Salinen-Symposium. Traklhaus Gallery, Salzburg, Austria
- Why is the rabbit always late? – Installation. Festung Hohensalzburg. Salzburg, Austria
- Salinen-Symposium. Hallein, Austria. Collaboration with seven international artists invited by the government of the city of Salzburg (Catalogue)
- Latitud 23°30′. FARO de Oriente. Mexico DF
- Art Berlin, print selected, Berlin, Germany
- Fine arts award Exhibition “Leonardo 2007-2008”. Museum Walter. Augsburg, Germany. (Catalogue)
- First prize. Painting contest Ana Sokolov, XIII International contemporary dance festival Lila López, San Luis Potosi, SLP, Mexico
- Special acknowledgment “Raúl Gamboa. Fine arts award”. San Luis Potosi, Mexico
- Special acknowledgment “Raúl Gamboa. Fine arts award”. San Luis Potosi, Mexico